www.zalman.co.kr www.zalmanusa.com
Heatsink Base
Backside Heatsink Base
Bolt A
Rubber Rings
A Type
B Type
Plate Spring
Heatsink Base
Slot Connecter
Bolt D
for Heatpipe
1) Slide the Rubber Ring onto each Bolt A protruding out of the back of the VGA card.
2) Screw a Nipple onto each Bolt A and tighten Bolt A with a screwdriver while holding the Nipple with one hand. While switching
back and forth between each Bolt A, tighten one full turn at a time for each Bolt A until both are tightened.
6.6 Assembling the Rubber Rings and Nipples
1) The Backside Heatsink Base Assembly must be the same type as the Frontside Heatsink Base Assembly.
e.g.) If the A Type was selected as the Frontside Heatsink Base Assembly
select the A Type for the Backside
Heatsink Base Assembly as well.
2) Stick the sticker onto the bottom surface of the Base Assembly as shown in the diagram.
6.7 Selecting the Backside Heatsink Base Assembly and Attaching the Sticker
Note) Stick only one sticker onto the Backside Heatsink Base. Do not stick a sticker onto the bottom surface of the Frontside
Heatsink Base Assembly.
1) Install the Backside Heatsink Base so that the arrow of “BACK
” points towards the Slot Connector.
2) Unscrew each Bolt D half a turn and position each Plate Spring hole to be in line with the axis of each Nipple.
3) After the Backside Heatsink Base Assembly is in place, insert each Plate Spring hole onto the Nipple then tighten Bolt D.
6.8 Installing the Backside Heatsink Base Assembly (VERY IMPORTANT)
Note) The Plate Spring can easily be moved by slightly unscrewing Bolt D. Do not unscrew Bolt D completely.