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Bolt D
Bolt D
Bolt A
Nut B
Nut B
Plate Spring
Plate Spring
< Frontside Heatsink Base >
< Backside Heatsink Base >
1) For the Frontside Heatsink Base :
Assemble Bolt D and Nut B with the Plate Spring and insert this assembly into the side channel on the Frontside Heatsink Base.
2) For the Backside Heatsink Base :
Assemble Bolt D and Nut B with the Plate Spring and insert this assembly into the side channel on the Backside Heatsink Base.
6.24 Reinstalling Separated Plate Springs onto the Heatsink Base
1)Assemble the Fan and the Fan Grill as shown in the diagram. Use Fan Screws to attach the Fan Grill to the Fan. Assemble the two Fan
Bolts and Fan Nipples loosely.
2) The blowing direction of the Fan is indicated by an arrow.
3)Remove the Plate Link Assembly from the heatsink assembly, then insert the Fan Grill Assembly into the Backside Heatsink Channel.
The Fan Bolt head should be placed into the Channel on the heatsink. Center the Fan Grill assembly on the heatsink and tighten the Nipple by hand.
4)Reinstall the Plate Link Assembly into the two heatsink Channels.
7. ZM80D-HP Optional Fan Installation
Fan Nipple
Fan Grill
Fan Grill
80 mm Slim Fan
Fan Bolt
Backside Heatsink
Direction of
Air Flow
Fan Screw
Fan Nipple
Plate Link
Plate Link