The trim levers are located on the
transmitter to the left and below the
control stick. Some trim controls are
electronic and others are mechani-
cal. Trim levers are provided to
adjust the zero position of the
servos. Center the trim levers. The
control surfaces of the Zagi FiXX are
called elevons because they com-
bine the functions of the elevator
and aileron by means of an elec-
tronic mixer.
Hitec F
Hitec F
Hitec F
Hitec F
Hitec Focus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems: The
setup switches for the Hites Focus 3
radio system are on the back of the
transmitter. Turn the MIX function
switch to the ON position. Leave the
top two switches in the NORM
(normal) position.
Computer radios have settings for
elevon mixing. Check the radio
manual for flying wing, elevon or
delta mix setting. V-tail settings will
not work. Once the transmitter is set
for elevons, determine the appropri-
ate receiver slot for the controls. Lay
the servos the way they will be in the
wings. Plug the right and left servos
into the receiver.
Hites F
Hites F
Hites F
Hites F
Hites Focus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems:
ocus 3 radio systems:
the right servo into the CH1 slot, the
left servo into the CH2 slot. Plug the
ESC three color ribbon wire into the
CH3 slot.