page 8
(See Figure 8)
Position the servos on the pre-marked servo positions. Outline the exact
shape. Cut or router the foam to provide a snug flush fit. Wood shims can be used to
assure a tight fit. Position the receiver 6 1/4” back from the nose. Position the receiver so
that the input slots align with the centerline of the wing. Outline the exact shape. Cut or
router the foam to provide a snug flush fit. A separate bay can be made next to the re-
ceiver bay to hold a separate mixer. Cut the bay wider so that the mixer and all of the
plugs and extra wires fit underneath.
Draw a line perpendicular to the center line from each servo wire to about 1/4” from the
center line of the wing. Continue the lines parallel to the center line down to the receiver.
Make a 1/2” deep cut along the lines. Push the servo wires into the slot with a flat blade
screwdriver. Plug the servo leads into the appropriate receiver output slot, typically the
right servo in slot 1 and the left servo in slot 2. The extra servo wires can be stowed
under the motor mount tray.
Trim the motor tray with scissors along the cut line. Notice that the cut line is the impres-
sion 1/2” from the side rails of the compartments. Leave the vertical lip at the rear of the
motor. Position the motor tray over the center of the wing. Trim the vertical lip at the rear
of the motor tray to be flush with the bottom of the wing. Check the receiver position.
Make a cut-out in the rear bay of the motor tray to provide access to the input slots of the
receiver. Mark the antenna layout. Draw a line to the leading edge seam. Continue the
line spanwise to the wing tip. Cut a 1/4” slot along the line. Push the antenna into the slot
with a flat blade screwdriver. The antenna will extend beyond the tip.
Cut-out tray for
receiver access
Antenna wire
Make a 1/2” deep
cut along the line
Figure 8
6 1/4”