Z3-DM816X-VI-RPS RDK V2.00.04a
Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Problem: NFS does not work
-(Please see the items in “Web interface does not come up”)
-Is the link to filesys properly set up (see step (3) on page 27)?
-Does the IP address in the line added in /etc/exports match the IP address set in nfsserver in u-boot?
-Does the value of nfs_root in u-boot point to z3-netra-rdk/filesys/fs?
-Did you start the NFS server?
-If you modified the exports file, did you remember to restart the NFS server after that?
When contacting Z3 Support for additional support, please capture and include a log file with the
diagnostic level set to analysis.