Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
TFTP does not work
(Please see the items in “Web interface does not come up”)
Does the file “uImage” exist in z3-netra-rdk/images?
Is the link to images properly set up (see step (2c) on page 48)?
If you take serverargs in
and combine that with tftp_root in u-boot, does it point
to the images directory?
Did you start the TFTP server?
Is there another PC on the network conflicting with the IP address of the TFTP server?
NFS does not work
(Please see the items in “Web interface does not come up”)
Is the link to filesys properly set up (see step (2c) on page 48)?
Does the IP address in the line added in /etc/exports match the IP address set in nfsserver in u-boot?
Does the value of nfs_root in u-boot point to z3-netra-rdk/filesys/fs?
Did you start the NFS server?
If you modified the exports file, did you remember to restart the NFS server after that?
For information regarding your hardware warranty, please visit:
When contacting Z3 Support for additional support, please click the “download device logs” button in the
GUI at the time the problem occurs and send the resulting .gz file to Z3 Technology.