Z3-DM8168-PCI-RPS V1.05.01c
Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
: “z3-netra-mfr.img” can also be used. The difference between “z3-netra-mfr.img” and “z3-
netra-upd.img” is that “z3-netra-mfr.img” resets all of the u-boot environment settings to the
default manufacturing values. “z3-netra-upd.img” is the same as “z3-netra-mfr.img”, except it
will not make any changes in the u-boot environment values. If you have not made any changes
in the u-boot environment variables, then “z3-netra-upd.img” and “z3-netra-mfr.img” are the
same (see step (3) in Section 8.2 for more on modifying u-boot environment variables).
(4) Click “Open.”
(5) Click “Upload and Update.” You should see a “FLASH Update now in progress” message. Once finished
it will go back to the main menu.
(6) You should be able to now run using the updated image.
Figure 18 Browsing for the Image File in the Updater