Z3-DM8107-RPS V1.2.6
Building the Code
Instructions to setup and build the full code base for the Z3-DM8107-MOD.
You will need sudo privileges in order to build the code. Make sure that the user account you are working
from is in the /etc/sudoers file and that you have the password.
The various variables of the system are all set up by default as if you are using the user account "z3". If you
create a "z3" account and use it to build the code then you will be able to execute the results of your build
without changing paths in the target system or elsewhere. It is not necessary to do so, but starting at the
right place can shorten the startup time.
First create a work directory (if you have not already done so) and cd to it.
mkdir ~/z3-dm8107
cd ~/z3-dm8107
Place release tar file in new directory and untar archive.
cp /your_tar_file_location/z3-dm8107-RELEASE_NAME.tar.bz2
tar -xjf z3-dm810-RELEASE_NAME.tar.bz2
Un-tar'ring the release should have created an intermediate directory with the release name (such as "z3-
dm8107-RELEASE_NAME"), please cd into it. In order to build the code, the current directory must contain
the project subdirectories "build-tools", "dvsdk", "kernels", "u-boot", etc.
Then run the following commands to build the system executables.
source z3-env
make z3_centaurus_defconfig
make clean
make demos
Now all the executables are built and ready to run. All binaries and executables are in the images/
The target board must be able to access the files placed in the “images” directory of the project. Since the
default u-boot variables point to /home/z3/z3-dm8107, it is just easier to make symbolic link from there to
Z3 Technology, LLC ♦ 100 N 8
ST, STE 250 ♦ Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 U.S.A. ♦ +1.402.323.0702