Z3-DM8107-RPS V1.2.6
Configuring the Target for Your Own Development Environment
The best way to develop for the Z3-DM8107 system is to use the HDD of a Linux PC to serve as the root file
system for the target. It is also productive to allow the DM8107 system to fetch the Linux kernel from the PC
using the network, so all the software that is being run by the DM8107 is in effect coming from the PC.
To accomplish this, follow the steps below.
Run a TFTP server on the Linux PC. The target system will need to access files from the "images"
directory via TFTP. Depending on your Linux distribution you will need to download and set up the
The DM8107 module is pre-setup so that it will TFTP from the path "z3/z3-dm8107/images". This
path is defined in the target by the u-boot environment variable "tftp_root".
Enable NFS on the Linux PC. The target DM8107 will need to mount the root file system using NFS.
Usually it is sufficient to add the desired path in the /etc/exports file, and restart the NFS service
(as root) with
# service nfs restart
Copy the file .../u-boot/u-boot-env-centaurus.txt to the Windows PC running Teraterm. Edit the
file and change the following variables to match your own system and network. Note: Use a
Windows editor; it is important to Teraterm to have CR-LF instead of just LF.
setenv ipaddr
IP address of the target system
setenv gatewayip
Usually the router in your network
setenv netmask
As per your network parameters
setenv serverip
The computer with the TFTP server
setenv tftp_root z3/z3-dm8107/images Location of the images folder in TFTP space
setenv nfs_root /home/z3/z3-
Location of the root file system
Reboot the DM8107-MOD system and press the space bar to make it stop in the u-boot prompt.
Make sure that your terminal is pausing for 120ms or more at the end of each line.
This is important because the serial port does not have hardware flow control.
Open Teraterm. Select the "Setup" menu. Select "Serial port".
Set the "Baud rate" to 115200, "Data" to 8 bit, "Parity" to none, 1 stop bit and flow control to "none"
At "Transmit delay" part, enter 120 in the box next to "msec/line", then click OK.
Now upload the new environment variables to the board:
In Teraterm, go to the "File" menu and click on "Send file...".
Select the file with the variables that was just edited.
When you get the u-boot prompt again, enter the commands below. This will enable mounting the
Z3 Technology, LLC ♦ 100 N 8
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