YX Technical department
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Name: Specify the provider name.
Caution Balances: Specify four balances separated by semi-colon. Each balance
corresponds to one Keyword from left International Keys to right Other Keys in Keyword List
table. Each caution balance is a threshold for system to get card balance through USSD if
current balance is less than this threshold. However, the final card balance is based on only
one type which is specified by field Billing Type in the part of Basic Settings.
Invalid Balances: like Caution Balances, it specifies the threshold for system to disable the
card if current balance is less than this threshold.
Query Command: Specify the query command
Balance Keywords: Specify keywords for system to analyze the balance data after sending
USSD command to carrier mobile network.
Invalid Balance Keywords: Specify the invalid balance keywords
Invalid SIM keywords: Specify the invalid sim keywords.
7.8.4 Tariff List
The screenshot below shows the operation mode to set billing tariff.
Add New
Click button Add New to expand the data input area to add new data. Fields are specified as
Data Status: Mark the status of current data record. Option values are Add/Edit. Value Add
means the data is new while value Edit means the data is old.
Destination Prefix: Specify the destination prefix used to bill call. If this prefix is best matched
with a destination of an outgoing call from the port(s), the corresponding tariff will be chosen
to bill the call. The prefix can be a regular expression. For example, [2-8] matches any phone
number which starts with digit 2 to 8. And [0-9] matches all phone numbers.
Tariff: Specify the tariff detail. In the picture,the tariff means 10 value will be deduct per 60
Click button Submit on the right to save the new data record.
All the records are displayed in list. Two operations are provided on the right of each record. Click
Edit to expand the current data record to Data Detail Area which is above the Data List.