YX Technical department
~ 23 ~
The fields are specified as following:
Caller ID Display: Specify whether enable Caller ID Display or not.
Silence Suppression: Specify whether enable Silence Suppression or not.
Adaptive Jitter Buffer: Specify whether enable Jitter Buffer or not.
IP TOS: Specify whether enable IP TOS or not.
Don’t send # to PSTN: Specify whether need to remove the last digit # to PSTN if the last
digit of numbers is #. If set to Enable, the last # will be removed.
Append # to PSTN: Specify whether need to send an extra # to PSTN after the normal digital
numbers are sent.
Carry PSTN Caller ID: Specify whether need to carry PSTN caller ID to system.
Forbid GSM Call: Specify whether need to prevent the PSTN incoming call. If set to enable,
any of the incoming calls whose callerid is not in the white list specified in White Number List
will be prevented.
White Number List: Specify a caller number list separated by comma. It is used in
combination with Forbid GSM Call to let the specified caller pass through and continue the
incoming call flow if Forbid GSM Call is set to Enable.
DTMF Pre-Act Time: Specify the DTMF Pre-Act Time.
DTMF Activity Time: Specify the DTMF activity time.
Max Alerting Time: Specify the max alerting duration.