Yur. Beat Fusion Stream
All Information and specification are subject to change without further notice
Appendix – Setup of Media Coder Sigma Tel (STMP3600)
Disclaimer Note:
This is a freeware and user should use at their own risk and there is no support and software upgrade.
To setup the Media Coder Sigma Tel (STMP3600), please follow the below instructions:
Double click the ‘MediaCoderSE-SigmaTel-20061117.exe’
Select ‘English’ from the drop-down list and press ‘OK’
You will now get a window of the Setup Wizard of the
You will now be prompted with the License Agreement, Please read
Press ‘I Agree’
Please select the install location for the MediaCoderSE
Press ‘Install’ to complete the installation
How to use:
Start your newly installed MediaCoder tool.