ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
4.10. PCaTS
4.10.1. Overview
The PCaTS device for Plus+ is based entirely on the PCaTs for ST950 with the addition of an adaptor
board and three cable looms.
4.10.2. Plus+ PCaTS Installation
A general assembly document outlines the installation (667/CI/53129/000) and how the PCaTS will
connect to the node on the Far Side Signals.
The PCaTS facility needs to be enabled on the Plus+ Layout as this then allows the Plus+ controller to
monitor and manage the PCaTS device.
For basic installation and guidance on PCaTS the reader is referred to User Handbook for Pedestrian
Countdown at Traffic Signals (PCaTS) (667/HB/52500/000) and Installation quick Start Guide (PCaTS)
Figure 55. PCATS
4.10.3. PCaTS Adaptor Board
The PCaTS adaptor sits between the RAG node and the PCaTS unit.
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