YSI ProDSS Meter Calibration and Maintenance
K:\Streamkeepers\Monitoring\Eqpt & supplies\Calibration-Maintenance\SOPs\YSI ProDSS maint-
cal SOP's
Recording Data from Meter Sampling
Record sampling trials from stored data under site 1 and 2. You do this by pressing the
select View Data, then select Show Data.
Once you have finished calibrating the equipment, YOU are responsible for entering the new
data into the SK database. Once the data has been entered, (steps to enter data on following page)
the database will automatically tell you if the instruments have passed their quality control
criteria. Print this report and staple it to the front of the data sheet, 3-hole punch these pages and
place them in the back of the calibration notebook behind the “completed data sheet” tab. Put the
most recent data sheet on top.
When performing maintenance on the ProDSS and its sensors, follow the specified procedures in
this section, which have been taken directly out of the manual, or it could void the warranty. For
more information on the warranty, consult the manual.
Handheld Unit, Cable, and Bulkhead
The handheld unit, consisting of the screen, keypad, and the unit itself, can be cleaned with a
wash cloth dampened with a mild solution of clean water and dish soap.
DO NOT clean handheld unit, cable, or bulkhead if they are detached or the sensor ports are
exposed (on bulkhead). If these connectors are exposed to any moisture the unit can be damaged
and would not be covered under warranty.
Sensor Guard
For a quick cleaning of the sensor guard, use a
cloth dampened with clean water and dish soap.
To remove resistant dirt or heavy bio-fouling,
soak the guard in a solution of clean water and
dish soap and then scrub with a plastic scrub
brush. For a stronger soak, use vinegar.
DO NOT use a brush that could scratch the
finish on the guard,
sand or polish
the guard. Removal of the guard coating can
affect turbidity data.