Error 11: Temperature
In order to get accurate test results, please test
at a temperature between 6 – 44 °C. When
the temperature is below 6 °C or above 44 °C,
the meter will not function. The temperature
and Er11 symbol
are displayed.
If the meter and test strips are exposed to a
substantial change in temperature, please wait
30 minutes before the measurement.
A blood sample should only be applied to the test strip
after the test strip has been inserted correctly and
the meter’s screen is showing the image of the test strip
and a flashing blood drop symbol. If the flashing blood
drop symbol is not showing on the screen, do not apply
a sample to the test strip. Please reinsert the unused
test strip correctly. The screen must show the image of
the test strip accompanied by the flashing blood drop
symbol (this symbol takes 3 seconds to show after
correctly inserting the test strip) in order for a sample to
be applied. For instruction please consult your user
manual and/or contact your local Ypsomed customer
service (see page 72).