Error 4: Meter malfunction 1
The meter has malfunctioned.
Please perform a quality control
test or reinstall the battery to
check if the meter works properly.
Error 3: Strip insertion
When the test strip is inserted incorrectly, the meter will beep 4 times while the strip
flashes. Do not apply a sample on the test strip.
Please reinsert the unused test strip correctly. If, after performing the required steps,
the strip symbol
and flashing Er3 symbol
appear on the screen, the
test strip has been inserted incorrectly more than twice. Please reinsert the unused
test strip again after reviewing the steps on how to insert a test strip correctly on
page 13 or call your local Ypsomed customer service for support (see page 72).
This error message can also indicate that you may have used the wrong test strips.
Please check the test strip vial to ensure you are using mylife
test strips.