YOYOCam G3 User Guide v0.2
Page 19
Telephone Numbers
Some commands require telephone numbers parameters, for example when adding a User or an
Emergency number. You can supply numbers in International format
(strongly recommended)
national format.
For example:
International format:
National format:
Do not include spaces or any other character in phone numbers.
National format number work most of the time, however International format is more reliable.
This can be very important in some cases, for example, when changing the Master.
YOYOCam treats a number in International format as different from one in National format. For
example, if you send
YOYOCam will not recognise
that they are both actually the same user, and will configure two users, one with the number in each
Switch YOYOCam On and Off
Switching On YOYOCam
To switch on YOYOCam:
Slide the Power Switch to the UP position.
The Status Indicator is orange
for a few seconds.
The Status Indicator turns red
for approximately 3 seconds.
The Status Indicator flashes red
while YOYOCam searches for the mobile network.
YOYOCam bleeps when the network has been found.
The Status Indicator shows
if YOYOCam is armed or
if disarmed.
Switching Off YOYOCAM
To switch off YOYOCam:
Slide the Power Switch to the DOWN position.
Removing the power connector or disconnecting the Power Adaptor from AC does not turn off
YOYOCam because of the internal battery.
Battery and External Power Notifications
YOYOCam warns you by SMS when external power is connected and disconnected:
External power applied:
External power – resumed
External power removed:
External power lost. Running on battery.
For more information see
SMS Notification when power supply changes.