Johnson Controls
Form 150.72-ICOM6
Issue date: 12/19/2023
Section 1: General chiller information and safety
Louvered panels (MCHX Condenser Only)
Louvered Panels are mounted on the sides and
ends of the MCHX condenser for protection.
Louvered Panels (Full Unit)
- Louvered panels
surround the front, back, and sides of the unit.
They prevent unauthorized access and visually
screen unit components. Unrestricted air flow
is permitted through generously sized louvered
openings. This option is applicable for any out-
door design ambient temperature up to 115°F
(46°C). (
MCHX end hail guard
Louvered panel attached to exposed MCHX end. (
Sound attenuation
One or both of the following sound attenuation options
are recommended for residential or other similar sound
sensitive locations:
Compressor Acoustic Sound Blanket
- Each
compressor is individually enclosed by an acous-
tic sound blanket. The sound blankets are made
with one layer of acoustical absorbent textile fiber
of 5/8 in. (15 mm) thickness; one layer of anti-
vibrating heavy material thickness of 1/8 in. (3
mm). Both are closed by two sheets of welded
PVC, reinforced for temperature and UV resis-
tance. (
Ultra Quiet Fans
- Lower RPM, 8-pole fan mo-
tors are used with steeper-pitch fans. (
Vibration isolators
Level adjusting, spring type 1 in. (25.4 mm) or seismic
deflection or neoprene pad isolators for mounting un-
der unit base rails. (