Installa on
The contact sensor, reed switch and magnet are very difficult to relocate a er being affixed to
the moun ng surface. Test your contact sensor, reed switch and magnet loca on before affixing
the device to the surface. Use masking or painters tape to secure the contact sensor, reed switch
and magnet to the surface (
). Once you have the contact sensor,
align the magnet with reed switch
reed switch and magnet temporarily mounted, test it out. With the app in hand, open or close the
door while observing the status of the contact sensor as shown on the app (Opened or Closed).
Op onally, you may set up your automa on (e.g. turn on a light when the door is opened) to
func onally test the status change of the door or window - proceed to the following steps for
informa on on crea ng automa ons, then return to this step
Be sure the installing gap between sensor and magnet is within 0.7 inch and the magnet is
aligned with the internal magne c reed switch when door or window is closed, otherwise the
sensor may cannot obtain the correct status of door or window
Avoid allowing the sensor to be exposed to strong impacts or vibra on, contact sensor should be
on the fixed part of door or window (such as the frame of a door or a window, etc.) ,
while magnet should be mounted on the movable part of door or window
Avoid interference, install the ontact sensor away from any strong magne c object
Test the Contact Sensor, Reed Switch and Magnet Loca on Before Installa on
Refer to “Install or Replace the Ba eries” sec on on page 26 for the installa on of ba eries for
the contact sensor
Please add the Contact Sensor to the YoLink app before installa on