IM 707231-01E
Burn Out
This function is available only when TC (thermocouple) is selected as the measurement
function. When the Auto check box is selected, burn out is automatically detected during
measurement. If you click the Exec button, burn out detection is executed. This setting
applies to all channels.
When a burn out is detected in the thermocouple, the indicators displayed on the Moni
tab of the operation panel turn red and Burn Out appears in the measured value display.
Also, current flows to connected thermocouples during burn out detection.
• When the sampling interval is set to one of the following values, the indicators are displayed at
every other channel. 1-0.14 s, 0.2-0.24 s, 0.8-1.14 s, 3.5-3.84 s.
• When burn out is automatically detected, the load on the PC can be large so updating of the
displayed waveform may be temporarily disabled.
Time Base
You can select whether to sample the input signal with the sampling interval based on
the module’s internal clock, or to sample to the time base signal (CMNCLK) of the
measuring station (the BUSCLK setting). If you select BUSCLK, time base signals with
an interval shorter than the specified interval are ignored.
Units for Temperature Measurement
In the Unit box, select the units of temperature (C, K, or F) to be used by the module (or
all modules if more than one are linked) during temperature measurement.
1.3 Setting Measurement Conditions