IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00
Process/environmental conditions that may be related to the failure of the device.
A statement whether warranty or nonwarranty service is requested
Complete shipping and billing instructions for return of material, plus the name and phone number of a
contact person who can be reached for further information.
Returned goods that have been in contact with process fluids must be decontaminated/ disinfected before shipment.
Goods should carry a certificate to this effect, for the health and safety of our employees. Material safety data sheets
should also be included for all components of the processes to which the equipment has been exposed.
<the lines should be a red color and thickness here, see example photo of FLXA21 IM below>
Dont install “general purpose type” instruments in the hazardous area.
Safety Precautions
Safety, Protection, and Modification of the Product
In order to protect the system controlled by the product and the product itself and ensure safe operation,
observe the safety precautions described in this user’s manual. We assume no liability for safety if users fail
to observe these instructions when operating the product.
If this instrument is used in a manner not specified in this user’s manual, the protection provided by this
instrument may be impaired.
If any protection or safety circuit is required for the system controlled by the product or for the product itself
prepare it separately.
Be sure to use the spare parts approved by Yokogawa Electric Corporation (hereafter simply referred to as
YOKOGAWA) when replacing parts or consumables.
Modification of the product is strictly prohibited.
The following safety symbols are used on the product as well as in this manual.
This symbol indicates that an operator must follow the instructions laid out in this manual in
order to avoid the risks, for the human body, of injury, electric shock, or fatalities. The
manual describes what special care the operator must take to avoid such risks.
This symbol indicates that the operator must refer to the instructions in this manual in order
to prevent the instrument (hardware) or software from being damaged, or a system failure
from occurring.
This symbol gives information essential for understanding the operations and functions.
This symbol indicates information that complements the present topic.
This symbol indicates Protective Ground Terminal
This symbol indicates Function Ground Terminal (Do not use this terminal as the protective ground
Warning and Disclaimer
The product is provided on an “as is” basis. YOKOGAWA shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any
person or entity with respect to any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from using the product or any
defect of the product that YOKOGAWA cannot predict in advance.
<images are just to match up, please use correct image in pdf not these here End of page ii content>
The intrument is packed carefully with shock absorbing materials, nevertheless, the instrument may be damaged
or broken if subjected to strong shock, such as if the instrument is dropped. Handle with care.