IM DL850E-01EN
Frequency Measurement
For frequency measurement, the items that have to be set for each input signal (CH1 to CH16) include vertical
scales, the vertical positions, FV settings, the input settings, the zoom method, the offset, trace settings, and
linear scaling.
You can connect a sensor or probe to the 701280 (FREQ) frequency module and measure frequencies,
revolutions, periods, duty ratios, power supply frequencies, pulse widths, pulse integration, and velocities.
For the sensor connection method, see section 3.12 in the
Getting Started Guide
, IM DL850E-03EN. For the
probe connection method, see section 3.5.
Waveform Vertical Position (Vertical POSITION knob)
Zooming by Setting a Magnification (V Zoom)
Zooming by Setting Upper and Lower Display Limits (Upper/Lower)
Waveform Display (Display)
Select whether to display each channel’s input signal waveform.
• ON: Displays the waveform
• OFF: Does not display the waveform
Labels (Label)
Vertical Scale (SCALE knob)
Waveform Vertical Position (Vertical POSITION knob)
FV Setting (F/V Setup) - frequency measurement
Measured Item (Function)
You can choose one of the following items to measure.
• Frequency (Frequency)
Frequency (Hz) = 1 ÷ Tw (s)
Measurable range: 0.01 Hz to 200 kHz
2 Vertical Axis