IM DL850E-01EN
Linear Scaling (Linear Scale)
Linear scaling is a function that converts measured values into physical values and reads them directly.
When you measure voltage (current), strain, or frequency (revolutions, periods, duty ratios, power supply
frequencies, pulse widths, pulse integration, velocities), you can choose from one of two linear scaling methods:
AX + B or P1-P2.
Linear Scaling Modes (Scaling Mode)
Linear scaling is not performed.
• AX + B
Using specified scaling coefficient A and offset B, the DL850E/DL850EV performs the following computation
to scale cursor-measurement values and automated measurement values of waveform parameters. You can
specify the unit of the linearly scaled results.
Y = AX + B
X: Value before scaling
Y: Value after scaling
Selectable range for A and B: −9.9999E+30 to +9.9999E+30
Initial value of A: +25.000E+00
Initial value of B: −25.000E+00
• P1-P2
You can specify two measured values (P1:X, P2:X) and specify a scale value (P1:Y, P2:Y) for each. The
scale-conversion equation (y = ax + b) is determined by these four values.
• Measured value (P1:X, P2:X) range: Same as the measurement range
• Scale value (P1:Y, P2:Y) range: −9.9999E+30 to +9.9999E+30
• Initial scale values
P1:X +1.0000E+00, P1:Y +0.0000E+00
P2:X +5.0000E+00, P2:Y +100.00E+00
Get Value (Get Value)
Sets P1:X and P2:X to the current values (the values displayed by the level indicator), regardless of
whether waveform acquisition is in progress or stopped.
Measurement range
y = ax + b
Measured values
Scale values
Unit String (Unit String)
You can set the unit using up to four alphanumeric characters.
2 Vertical Axis