IM DL850E-01EN
Zooming by Setting Upper and Lower Display Limits (Upper/Lower)
When V Scale is set to SPAN, you can set the upper and lower vertical limits and enlarge or reduce the
waveform along the vertical axis. By setting the appropriate upper and lower limits for the displayed waveform,
you can zoom in vertically on the area of the waveform that you want to observe. You can also increase the
display range to view parts of the waveform that were outside the range. Zooming the waveform does not
change its A/D conversion resolution or accuracy.
+10 V
–10 V
+6 V
+2 V
+4 V
Selectable Range of the Upper and Lower Limits
The upper and lower limits can be set within ±(100 × the specified V/div value) or ±2000 V, whichever is lower.
Set the limits so that the upper limit is greater than the lower limit.
• The range of the upper and lower limits for the 701270 (STRAIN_NDIS) and 701271 (STRAIN_DSUB) varies
as indicated below depending on the range unit.
When the range unit is μSTR: ±30000 μSTR
When the range unit is mV/V: ±15 mV/V
• For the 701275 (ACCL/VOLT), the range of the upper and lower limits is ±2000000 units.
• For the 701280 (FREQ), the range of the upper and lower limits is (offset) ± (Value/div × 30).
When measuring frequencies: −1500 kHz to 1700 kHz
When measuring revolutions in rpm: −300 krpm to 350 krpm
When measuring revolutions in rps: −5000 rps to 7000 rps
When measuring periods: −150 s to 200 s
When measuring duty ratios: −500% to 700%
When measuring pulse widths: −150 s to 200 s
When measuring pulse integration: −2.5E+22 to 2.5E+22
When measuring velocity: −2.5E+22 to 2.5E+22
The displayed V/div will not change if you turn the SCALE knob after you set the upper and lower limits, but
the measurable range will change. If you change the measurable range so that it is narrower than the range
of the set upper and lower limits, when you start waveform acquisition, the parts of the waveform that do not
fit within the measurable range may not appear. The measurable range is approximately ±10 div (with 0 in the
center) when V Scale is set to DIV.
2 Vertical Axis