IM 701730-51E
SPI Bus Signal Analysis Function
• When Search Type Is Set to Indefinite State
You can search indefinite data from the analysis data of Data1 or Data2 at the byte
level. Set the data to be searched to Data1 or Data2.
Indefinite data is always considered matched to the specified status.
If analysis is performed with CS signal set to ON, the data being analyzed is considered to
be delimited at the point where the status of the CS signal changes. In this case, search
is also performed by considering the data to be delimited at that point. For example, if a
total of 5 bytes consisting of the data to be analyzed and CS signal as shown in the
following figure is analyzed by changing the CS signal setting, search cannot be
performed using the same conditions.
Analyzing with the CS signal set to ON (enable status of the CS signal is set to L)
Because data cannot be searched over two CS intervals, search cannot be performed with
the data length of the determination pattern to 4 or 5 bytes.
Analyzing with None of the CS signals set to ON
The data length of the data to be searched and the CS interval are independent.
Searching is possible with the data length of the determination pattern set to 4 or 5 bytes.
8 bits 8 bits 8 bits
8 bits 8 bits
Executing the Search: Next, Prev
Press the Next or Prev soft key to execute the search. The search progresses (pattern or
indefinite data search) as follows depending on the search type.
For Pattern Searches
Searches frames after (to the right of) the currently selected frame.
Searches frames before (to the left of) the currently selected frame.
For Indefinite Data Searches
Searches frames after (to the right of) the current zoom position (Z1 Pos).
Searches frames before (to the left of) the current zoom position (Z1 Pos).
• Displaying the Search Result
For Pattern Searches
If a waveform that matches the specified data pattern (Data1 or Data2 pattern) is
found, the zoom position (Z1 Pos) moves to the beginning the pattern.
If all patterns are set to “X,” the message “Pattern is not specified.” (error code: 730)
For Indefinite Data Searches
The zoom position (Z1 Pos) moves to the front of the indefinite data.
2.5 Analyzing/Searching Data