IM 701946-01EN
Model 701946 is a miniature passive probe with attenuation ratio of 10:1, used
in combination with Yokogawa’s oscilloscopes model DLM2000/DLM4000/
DLM6000 with input impedances of 1 MΩ. The probe is designed for user safety
and ease of use, suitable for measuring high density mounting boards. By
adopting a spring structure for the contact tip, the stress applied on the device
under measurement is minimized. In addition, by using various accessories such
as IC caps, you can easily contact the pins of fine pitch ICs.
Standard Accessories
The 701946 consists of the standard accessories listed below. The number
corresponds to the combination on the next page.
No. Standard Accessories
No. Standard Accessories
1. Probe main unit
11. Protection cap*
2. Spring tip (Ø 0.5 mm)*
12. Ground lead
3. Rigid tip (Ø 0.5 mm)
13. Ground spring
4. Pincher tip
14. Ground blade
5. IC cap 0.5 mm pitch (green)
15. Cu sheets (2 x 2 cm) x 2 sheets
6. IC cap 0.65 mm pitch (blue)
16. PCB adapter kit
7. IC cap 0.8 mm pitch (gray)
17. Marker tips (4 colors x 3)
8. IC cap 1.0 mm pitch (brown)
18. Adjustment screwdriver
9. IC cap 1.27 mm pitch (black)
19. Two-footer probe positioner
10. Insulation cap
20. Manuals
* Attached to the probe main unit
Combinations of Accessories
• Use the ground lead only for grounding connections.
• Do not use any accessories other than the standard
• Utilisez le fil de terre uniquement pour les connexions de mise à
la terre.
• N’utilisez pas d’accessoires autres que les accessoires