IM 2558A-01EN
Deviation presets can be used to make the meter indicate values that are short of the accurate scale
positions when you change the output divider setting.
You can use this feature to calibrate a meter when using the output divider feature to calibrate the
points in increasing or decreasing order.
5%: When calibrating in increasing order, the deviation is set to +5.00%.
When calibrating in decreasing order, the deviation is set to –5.00%.
2%: When calibrating in increasing order, the deviation is set to +2.00%.
When calibrating in decreasing order, the deviation is set to –2.00%.
0%: The deviation is cleared when the divider value is changed.
OFF: The specified deviation is retained even when the divider value is changed.
4.5 A
Main setting = 10 A
Use the n dial to move
the meter needle up.
9.5 A
Preset (5%)
Indicates a point that is
short of the calibration point
by the preset amount
Indicates a point that is
short of the calibration point
by the preset amount
Example when calibrating
in increasing order
In the above example, the 2558A is generating –5.00% of the output setting. To calibrate the scale,
turn a deviation dial to move the meter needle to the correct position. For details on how to read the
deviation, see “Deviation” on the previous page.
2.4 Deviation and Presets