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IPM, PFC Testing Method
Method of Testing IPM Module
1. Preparation before test: prepare a universal meter and turn to its diode option, and then remove the wires U, V, W
of the compressor after it is powered off for one minute.
2. Testing Steps:
Step 1: put the black probe on the place P and the red one on the wiring terminal U, V, W respectively as shown
in the following figure to measure the voltage between UP, VP and WP.
Step2: put the red probe on the place N and the black one on the wiring terminal U, V, W respectively as shown in
the following figure to measure the voltage between NU, NV and NW.
3. If the measured voltages between UP, VP, WP, NU, NV, NV are all among 0.3V-0.7V, then it indicates the IPM
module is normal; If any measured valve is 0, it indicates the IPM is damaged.
Method of Testing PFC Module Short Circuit
1. Preparation before test: prepare a universal meter and turn to its diode option, and then remove the wires L1-2,
L2-1 after it is powered off for one minute.
2. Testing Steps:
Step 1: Put the black probe on the place P and the red one on the wiring terminal L1-2, L2-1respectively as
shown in the following figure to measure the voltage between L1-2and P; L2-1andP.
Step 2: Put the red probe on the place N and the black one on the wiring terminal L1-2, L2-1respectively as
shown in the following figure to measure the voltage between N and L1-2; N and L2-1.
3. If the measured voltages between L1-2andP; L2-1andP;Nand L1-2;NandL2-1 are all among 0.3V-0.7V, then it
indicates the PFC module is normal; If any measured valve is 0, it indicates the PFC is damaged.