Turn the lens pushing board lever until it touches and parallel the bottom of the frames.
c. Fix lens with lens pressing unit
Raise the lens pressing unit, and then lower it slowly to fix the lens.
6.3 Measuring Single Vision Lens
Single vision lenses are measured on the Auto Identification Measurement Mode or Normal
Measurement Mode, the procedure is as follows:
a. Specify lens side if necessary
Specify lens side by pressing R/L shortcut tab. If it's automatic R/L switch mode, the instrument
automatically identifies the first measured lens as the right lens. After the measured data is fixed,
it goes automatically to left lens measurement.
If lens side is only specified after measurement, the measured data will be cleared.
b. Perform lens alignment
Move the lens to bring target close to the center of alignment circle. If it's framed lenses, move
the lens pushing board along the frames. When alignment is finished, make sure that the bottom
of the frames is touched with lens pushing board.
c. Fix measured data
When alignment is finished, the measured data is fixed by pressing Read key in manual read
mode or automatically fixed under auto read mode.
Cylinder indication shortcut tab still works in terms of changing the indication mode of
cylinder value even after measured data is fixed.
d. Measuring other lenses
If it is necessary to measure the other lenses, then follow the same step as above.
e. Print measured data
When the measurement is completed, press "Print" to print out the measured data.
If needs be, the measured data can be sent to other instruments, computer, for example, by
setting parameter in "Data Output" and connecting to other instruments.
6.4 Measuring Multifocal Lens
Bifocal measure step: distance portion---near portion (as to trifocal lenses, the order is distance
portion --- middle portion --- near portion)
Measure lens under auto and normal model.