Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 86
4.27 SMS output
This output driver is used to send the collected data from the SD Card to a cell phone number by SMS.
As an SMS is limited in size transferring data by SMS has some limitations too. We recommend to use
this driver only if other alternatives are not feasible. Below the settings are shown: Some of its settings
are commented below, other settings are generic and covered before in this manual.
4.27.1 Phone number
The cell phone number you want to send data messages to.
4.27.2 Data send
An SMS message is limited to 160 characters, so it
’s not feasible (like with FTP for example) to send a
complete log file in one SMS message. You can choose to configure this driver to only send the last
logged record (Actual Values) or all logged records since the last successful data transmission (Log
data). Each log record will be sent as an individual SMS message
. Note
: Independ data logs (not part of
the regular data log intervals) are not include in SMS data output.
4.27.3 Data format
Each data SMS start with an asterisk, followed by a logger serial number, timestamp and followed by one
or more parameter code/value pairs in the same format as with D-record (see: Chapter D-records).
*<logger s/n>;<yyddmmhhmmss;<par code1>;<par value1>;…;<par codex>;<par valuex>
Example: *5304783;160513140000;TEMP;23.6;LEVEL;3.32*A;BATT;4.2
4.27.4 Remote configuration
Not supported, if you want remote configuration possibilities use MQTT, FTP, HTTP or TCP output
4.28 Data Output - Satellite
A satellite transceiver can be deployed as the data logger's main communication device or as backup in
case the cellular network is temporarily unavailable or out of reach. Please read more at chapter
“Accessory port – Iridium or Swarm Satellite”.
SMS data settings
[0] Exit
[1] Name >> SMS
[2] Send interval >> 00:01:00
[3] Send delay >> Not used
[4] Phone number >>
[5] Output type >> Log data
[R] Remove
[T] SMS data test >> Not done