Device Manual
Advanced OpFons
The advanced opFons contain a number of features, dependent on your device model. These
features are for advanced use only, and should only be adjusted under instrucFon from a member of
support staff or following specific instrucFons. We will not be held responsible for any addiFonal
charges incurred or problems caused if you adjust these seZngs without advisement.
A few of the more important opFons in this category are:
In some situaFons you may want to immediately mark a posiFon with a manual report whilst
travelling at speed. In this sort of situaFon you want to be able to rely on an instant GPS fix when
you fire a manual report.
With GPS Hot turned ON, this means GPS is conFnually keeping track of your posiFon so there is
no delay between the Fme you fire a manual report and the Fme the posiFon is marked. This mode
will use power more quickly than other tracking modes, since GPS is kept on all of the Fme.
Mail Checking
This seZng can be used to force the device to check for new messages every X minutes. It is set by
default to Off.
WARNING: Be aware, inbox checking uses up credits just like normal posi9on reports. A normal
tracking report also checks for new messages, so you DO NOT need both Tracking and Inbox
Checking set to ON. You will use up twice as much credit if you have both items turned on.