Device Manual
Features and Facili2es
OperaFng Modes
Shipping Mode
When the device is in shipping mode, all radios are turned off, including Bluetooth. In this mode, the
Device will not transmit or receive any posiFon reports or messages. This is the equivalent of ‘Flight
Mode’ and suitable for transport.
You can acFvate the unit by applying power to the cable. A few seconds aher acFvaFon, the unit
will beep quickly, and will then be acFvated and you should be able to connect to the device to
configure using the Connect App.
When turned on the device will automaFcally send posiFon reports and messages as per its current
There is an LED indicator on the bo`om of the unit. The LED has the following indicator modes:
• Intermi`ent green flash - running on external power
• Intermi`ent red flash - running on ba`ery
• Red/Green alternaFng - booFng up or updaFng firmware
• Off - in shipping mode, stealth mode, or ba`ery has run out and no external power
Configuring the features
To access and configure all the features of your device, you need to use the Connect app. Download
the Connect app from the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store.
You can obtain more details about the app, including a guide on how to use, from our website.
Tracking OpFons
Status on/off
Choosing this opFon allows you to turn the automaFc posiFon reporFng on or off. When turned on,
the device will automaFcally obtain a GPS fix and transmit it at a set frequency (see below).
Report Frequency
Using this opFon the frequency of automaFc posiFon reporFng can be viewed and set. OpFons
range from ‘ConFnuous’ which will obtain and send reports as quickly as possible, to 12-hours,
allowing for 2 automaFc reports per day. There is also a BURST mode.
Burst SeMngs
Burst mode allows the device to collect many GPS reports, in order to get more accurate tracking
informaFon, but to send them as a batch in order to keep airFme costs down. For example, the
device can collect a GPS fix every 5 seconds, and then transmit those posiFons once per minute.