Installation and Operation Guide SOLECTRIA
XGI 1500-250 Series Inverters
DOCR-071074 (Rev 7, 30 MAY 2023)
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Inverter Placement
The SOLECTRIA XGI 1500 inverter is rated for outdoor use and will operate when exposed to direct sunlight or
rain. To obtain the best performance and insure longevity of the inverter, it is recommended to mount the inverter
out of the direct sunlight.
Inverter Facing Direction
It is recommended to install the inverter facing north to minimize direct sun exposure.
Figure 2-4 Inverter Environment (Left to Right) Direct Sunlight, Shaded, and Rain
Mount the inverter vertically and level to the ground. Do not install the inverter in a pitched/tilted/angled
Figure 2-5 Inverter Mounted Correctly -- Vertical and Level to Ground