Safety Precautions
Safety Information
To prevent personal injury and equipment damage in advance, the following sig-
nal words are used to indicate safety precautions in this document. The signal
words are used to classify the hazards and the degree of damage or injury that
may occur if a product is used incorrectly. Information marked as shown below is
important for safety. Always read this information and heed the precautions that
are provided.
• Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, are likely to result in loss of
life, serious injury, or fire.
• Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in loss of life,
serious injury, or fire.
• Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in relatively seri-
ous or minor injury, or in fire.
• Indicates precautions that, if not heeded, could result in property dam-