Product Features
• Two modern XP-G3 nw LEDs
• Neutral light close to the sun one (4200 K)
• Powered by LI-Ion battery 18650 (in the set)
• Four main stabilized modes of brightness: : 3, 35,
120 and 450 lm
• Additional turbo mode 800 lm
• Additional red beacon
• TIR-optics
• Modes storage
• Built-in charger with micro-USB port
• High-quality 2600 mAh battery is in the set
Built-in charger is operated through micro-USB port,
mains adaptor or computer port. We recommend
to use USB-adaptor with current intensity not less
than 1A.
To get to the charger screw off the cover with
USB-contact sign. While battery charging you can
see red indicator diode, upon fully charged battery
– green one.
Four stabilized modes of brightness:
"moonlight" – 3 lm, 450 hours of operation;
Low – 35 lm, 45 hours of operation;
Mid – 120 lm, 11 hours of operation;
High – 450 lm, 3 hours of operation.
turbo mode, 800 lm
(without fixation).
Switch ON/OFF the memory of modes
There is possibility to switch ON/OFF the modes
memory. For this when the flashlight is OFF press and
hold the red button within 10 seconds. If the
memory is ON the red indicator diode flashes for
three times, if the memory is OFF – one time flashing.
Upon the memory OFF the flashlight starts to oper-
ate in Low mode, double click activates Mid mode,
triple-click – High mode.
We recommend to switch OFF the modes memory
to prevent usage of the flashlight in High modes of
Protection from accidental switch ON
To avoid the accidental switch on (for example if
torch is in the bag or knapsack) unscrew the battery
chamber cover 1/4 turns.
Choice of batteries
Flashlight operates from 18650 Li-Ion battery, power
range 3.0 – 4.2 V, permitted length of the batteries is
65 – 70 mm.
CR123A is forbidden.
Main modes
To switch on the torch you should press white
button. Repeated quick pressings within 2 seconds
after switch on will bring to the change the mode.
Chosen mode is stored (if the mode storage func-
tion is ON).
If the flashlight is ON the change of the modes is
operated by holding white button. Short press the
white button makes the flashlight switched OFF.
To use "moonlight" mode please press and hold the
white button if the flashlight is OFF.
Turbo mode
To use this mode when the flashlight is ON please
press and hold red button. The flashlight will operate
in turbo mode up to holding completed. After this
the flashlight will return its previous mode of bright-
ness. Usage of turbo mode when the flashlight is OFF
is not possible to prevent accidental blindness.
Red beacon
To activate beacon function when the flashlight is
OFF please press the red button. The red LED at the
front panel will change the brightness smoothly. To
switch OFF the beacon press red button or switch
ON the flashlight using any mode of brightness.
Check Battery
To check the battery condition when the flashlight is
OFF press quickly twice the red button. The level of
battery charging will be shown by flashing red indi-
cator LED (from 1 to 5 flashes).
2 years warranty. Ocean Allied Global Limited,
Office 3A-7, 12F, Kaiser Centre, No. 18 Centre str.,
Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. Made in P.R.C.
Compact headlight with 2 bright LEDs and built-in
charger powered by 18650 battery