Mechanical Engine Remote Control AFSTZIJY
• Secure the mechanism to the bulkhead with the 4 self-tapping
screws supplied.
• Clip the plastic housing onto the mechanism. Take care that the
plastic pins go into the holes in the mechanism.
• Apply a little grease to the mechanism axle and install the lever in
the required position (usually vertical).
• Apply also a little grease to the screw in the lever and fasten the
screw so that the lever fits tightly on the axle.
Do not fasten the screw too tightly, just tight enough.
• Check the lever’s stroke.
• Put the lever in the forward position and press the neutral posi-
tion button firmly in place.
4 mm
2.6 Attaching Pull-push cables to the engine
• Connect the cables to the gearbox and the fuel pump as specified
by the engine supplier.
• Check if the fuel pump lever can reach its end position when the
lever is put in the furthest position.
• Check also that the gearbox operates correctly.
2.7 Adjustment
The mechanism is provided with an adjustable brake. The brake pre-
vents the throttle from creeping back to stationary when the engine’s
fuel system has a tendency to pull the lever back again. Resistance
can be increased by turning the adjusting screw clockwise, see ‘5 Ad-
justment’ on page 26.
2.8 Neutral safety switch
A neutral safety switch can be optionally mounted on the mecha-
nism, see ‘6 Neutral safety switch’ on page 26.
A neutral safety switch prevents the engine from being started when
the gearbox is still engaged.
2.9 Multiple remote controls
If an engine is provided with two remote controls, differential devices
must be purchased.
With differential devices, both remote controls can be connected to
each other, so that the engine can be operated independently from
two places.
Two differential sets are needed per engine, one for the gearbox and
one for the fuel pump. See ‘7 Differential devices’ on page 26.
3 Operation
Operation of the gearbox can be switched off with the neutral po-
sition button, so that only throttle can be applied, for instance for
starting and warming up the engine. See ‘8 Using throttle without
engaging the gearbox’ on page 26.
On putting the lever back into the neutral position, the press-button
will jump back and the remote control is ready for normal use.
4 Maintenance
• If necessary, clean the lever and housing with fresh water.
• Check the mechanism regularly for loose parts and for wear on
moving parts.
Regularly lubricate moving parts with moisture resistant lubricat-
ing oil.
• Check the cables and cable connections regularly for wear and