Although a damping force adjuster may
turn or click beyond the stated minimum
settings, such adjustments are ineffective
and may damage the suspension.
Spring preload
1. Elevate the vehicle and place a suitable
stand under the frame.
2. Loosen the locknut.
3. Turn the spring preload adjusting nut in
direction (a) to increase the spring pre-
load and thereby harden the suspension,
and in direction (b) to decrease the spring
preload and thereby soften the suspen-
A special wrench can be obtained at a
Yamaha dealer to make this adjustment.
The spring preload setting is determined by
measuring distance A, shown in the illustra-
tion. The shorter distance A is, the higher
the spring preload; the longer distance A is,
the lower the spring preload. With each
complete turn of the adjusting nut, distance
A is changed by 1.5 mm (0.06 in).
1. Locknut
2. Spring preload adjusting nut
3. Special wrench
UBAN12E0.book Page 33 Wednesday, June 30, 2021 2:17 PM