What if I am experiencing problems with the audio playback in some of my games?
First check for information on the game developer’s web site to see if there are any known problems
within the game. Next, post a message in the relevant newsgroups to see if anyone else has
encountered this problem with any other soundcard. Then, post a message to the Yamaha forum to
see if anyone else has had this problem. If none of this helps, then E-mail us.
Which games have Yamaha tested with the WF192XG?
Check the WAVEFORCE web site for information.
What speakers are recommended for use with the WF192XG?
Any good hi-fi speakers will be OK. However, we recommend that you use one of our YST Multimedia
Speakers. Also, try the Yamaha YST sub woofers (available from most Yamaha sales outlets
What games currently support XG?
Basically any game that supports GM will perform without a problem, and will even sound much better
by XG. Some games (such as Final Fantasy VII from SquareSoft, for example) specifically support the
XG system extension. After you hear some of the demo MIDI files that are available for XG and realize
what a massive difference it can make, you may wish to request that your games company seriously
consider supporting XG!
What is DirectSound3D?
Microsoft’s 3D-positional audio API, first introduced with DirectX5.0, makes it possible to position and
move audio events (e.g., gunshots, door slams, engine noises, etc.) in a three-dimensional space.
Basically, it depends on the game. The WAVEFORCE web site can inform you of the latest news.
What is DLS?
DLS is an acronym which stands for downloadable sounds. A soundcard that supports DLS has a
functionally infinite library of waveforms at its disposal because new sounds can be loaded into
memory, i.e., either system memory or local memory on the card itself. WF192XG has DLS function
included.The DLS driver will be available from the WAVEFORCE web site.
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