Other Pattern Functions
Groove has “
”, “
”, and “
” settings. Available
settings for each groove are shown on the display.
If there is a snare on the second beat of the measure,
repeat it after a delay of an eighth note, a dotted
eighth note, or a sixth note. Any note on the second
beat of each measure is shifted forward in time.
Snap 2nd
If there is a snare on the fourth beat of the measure,
repeat it after a delay of an eighth note, a dotted
eighth note, or a sixth note. Any note on the fourth
beat of each measure is shifted forward in time.
Snap 4th
Increase the velocity of the first note of a group of
eighth note, eighth note triplet, or 16th note hi-hat,
ride, cup, and percussion beats. Decrease the velocity
of the last note of the group. If there is a snare on the
second beat, repeat it after a delay of an eighth note,
a dotted eighth note, or a sixth note.
Snap 2nd and
Velocity Change
Decrease the velocity of the first note of a group of
eighth note, eighth note triplet, or 16th note hi-hat,
ride, cup, and percussion beats. Increase the velocity
of the last note of the group. Delay the even-numbered
Off Beat and Even
Decrease the velocity of the first note of a group of
eighth note, eighth note triplet, or 16th note hi-hat,
ride, cup, and percussion beats. Increase the velocity
of the last note of the group. Delay the second beat of
each measure.
Off Beat and 2nd
Decrease the velocity of the first note of a group of
eighth note, eighth note triplet, or 16th note hi-hat,
ride, cup, and percussion beats. Increase the velocity
of the last note of the group. Delay the fourth beat of
each measure.
Off Beat and 4th
Increase the velocity of the first note of a eighth note
triplet hi-hat, ride, cup, and percussion beat and
decrease the velocity of the last. Delay the last note of
the triplet.
Triplet Delay
Increase the velocity of the first note of a eighth note
triplet hi-hat, ride, cup, and percussion beat and
decrease the velocity of the last. Shift the last note of
the triplet forward.
Triplet Advance
If there is more than one note being played on a beat,
delay each note by an equal amount, causing a smear
of the rhythm.
Advance the timing of the notes in the first half of the
quarter note and delay the notes in the last half.