Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Yamaha MU10
Tone Generator!
elcome to the MU10
The MU10 is a sophisticated, yet highly compact MIDI tone
generator, specially designed for use with computers and MIDI music
With the built-in host computer interface and MIDI terminals,
the MU10 is ideal for any computer music system — from connection
to a simple laptop to integration in a complete MIDI studio. The host
computer interface is especially convenient, allowing you to directly
connect it to your computer without the need for a special MIDI
Featuring Yamaha’s high quality AWM2 tone generation technol-
ogy, the MU10 has 676 Normal Voices and 21 Drum Voices (percus-
sion sets), with full General MIDI compatibility — including
Yamaha’s new XG-MIDI. It provides 16-Part multi-timbral capac-
ity and full 32-note polyphony for playback of even the most sophis-
ticated song data. Three independent digital effect sections — with
11 types of Reverb, 11 types of Chorus, and 43 different Variation
effects — can be used simultaneously and give you enormous versatil-
ity in “sweetening” the sound. Plus, the MU10 has two convenient A/
D INPUT jacks, allowing you to connect external audio sources
(such as a microphone, guitar, or CD player), and mix those sources
with the AWM2 Voices of the MU10.
Because of all the above, as well as its exceptionally portable size
and convenient battery/AC adaptor power supply, the MU10 is an
invaluable tool for all MIDI musicians and performers.