Protecting the data on a disk
If you turn a disk face down, you will find a small plastic tab in the lower right corner. This tab is
a write-protect switch that you can use to prevent the accidental loss of valuable data. When this
tab is in the up position (so the window is closed), the MDF3 will be able to read and write data
to the disk normally.
To protect the data on a disk, push the tab down so that the window is open. The MDF3 will be
able to read the data on the disk as usual. However, if you try to receive or record data using the
disk, the MDF3 will display an error message telling you that the disk is write-protected.
You will see the same message if you try to format a write-protected disk or change the data it
contains using one of the UTILITY mode functions.
To protect disks against accidental erasure, it is a good idea to set the protect tab down and keep the
disk in a safe place. You also might consider making a backup copy of the disk using the UTILITY mode
”Backup” function. Finally, clear labeling of disk contents is a simple but effective way to prevent the acci-
dental loss of valuable data.