Playing Voices
Pitch Bend Range
The DGX-500/300 has a [PITCH BEND] wheel that lets you change the pitch of
the voices in real time, as you play. The Pitch Bend Range parameter determines
the amount that pitch is raised or lowered when using the [PITCH BEND] wheel.
At the minimum setting, moving the [PITCH BEND] wheel up or down changes
the pitch by a maximum of 1 semitone or half-step in either direction. At the max-
imum setting of 12, pitch is changed over a range of ± one octave (12 semitones).
The [PITCH BEND] wheel affects the voices played in the right-hand section of
the keyboard. (It has no effect on the auto accompaniment.)
Select the Pitch Bend Range parameter.
Press the left Overall button, repeatedly if necessary, until “PB RANGE”
appears in the display.
Set the Pitch Bend Range value.
Use the numeric keypad or [+]/[-] buttons to set the desired range: 1 - 12
Play the keyboard and move the [PITCH BEND] wheel.
Indicates Pitch Bend Range is selected
Current Pitch Bend Range value.