A3000 Guide
NORM = Optimizes the level of a Sample. Please be aware that this NORMALIZE
function can also be done while recording, if the option "Auto Normalize" is selected
(>REC – SAMPLE – Process). Normalizing cannot replace an optimal gain setting
while recording – if the Sample was recorded at a too low level, the NORMALIZE
function will “pull up” the noise level. On the other hand, NORMALIZE can in no
way undo any clipping which occurred during the recording process.
RESAMPL = With Time Stretch the Sample will be lengthened or shortened without
changing the pitch, while Pitch Conversion changes the pitch of the Sample without
changing the playback length. Using knob 2 you can pre-audition the result.
FADE = Creates a Fade in or a Fade out for the Sample. Length and waveform can
be set in advance. Please remember to save the Sample before executing in order to be
able to REVERT to the original!
REVERSE = The Sample will be played back in reverse. Interesting and well-known
special effect (e.g. reverse crash cymbal).
LOOPXFD = Loop Crossfade generates crossfade smoothing of the area around the
loop points – this is one of the most important Sample edit functions! Slight clicks or
level differences can be eliminated through this function. Since many attempts with
different crossfade range lengths are usually required, you should save your Sample
first to be able to use the REVERT function.
SETINIT = This stores the current SAMPLE parameters like Filter, LFO, and
Envelope settings as default values for any new Samples into a special memory area.
These settings are non-volatile and are not lost after switching off.
Special Hint Ø Setinit
SETINIT is very helpful if you want to record a series of Samples of one category, that have
similar Sample parameters. Edit the first Sample in a way that those settings can be used
as the basis for all following Samples. Then execute the command SETINIT. All following
Samples will automatically receive the Sample settings of the first Sample.
This concludes the description of the COMMAND functions on the EDIT SAMPLE
page. In the following additional pages of the EDIT Mode (MAP/OUT, FILTER, EG,
LFO, MIDI/CTRL) only the commands SAVE, REVERT, and SETINIT are available
(as described above). Therefore, the description of COMMANDS will be omitted.
Owner's Manual p. 144 – 169
KeyRnge = Original key, The keyboard range and keyboard crossfade can be set for
each Sample. While pressing and holding the knob you can input the value via MIDI
IN. Keyboard crossfade is also possible for Sample Banks. In "UTILITY/SYSTEM –
Display" you can specify that the corresponding MIDI note numbers be displayed (0
to 127) instead of the notes (C2 to C8).
VelRnge = Velocity Range, Velocity Crossfade and Velocity Sensitivity can be set
for each Sample or Sample Bank.
Special Hint Ø Key Velocity Ranges
The functions KeyRnge and VelRnge can not only be used to map and edit multisamples. You
can also program typical synthesizer performances such as split sounds and velocity
crossfades. The Sample Banks can be used as layers.