Func. Name
Cancel input or stop recording
Check Empty
Check for unused segment(s)
Record All
Record segments 2 through 8
Record One
Record in any (unlocked) segment
Bit Rate
* it
Set Bit Rate r (l - 4) for recording
Playback last recording to confirm
Lock Last
Lock last recording
Play All
Playback all unlocked segments
Play One
Playback segment x (1 - 8 only)
Unlock All
Unlock all locked segments
Unlock One
Unlock segment x (1 - 8 only)
High/low tone response indicates success (memory available or lock/unlock
executed), else low/high tone response indicates failure (memory full or
lock/unlock not executed).
Calisign played back followed by a single beep if record successful, else
low/high tones returned after callsign playback (to indicate record attempt
Same as Note (2) if command accepted, else no response.
Callsign played back followed by a single beep and then the selected
segment(s), if successful. Low/high tones if playback command rejected. In
the case of multiple segments, each is separated by (suppressed) high/low
Whenever a remote command is received, the transceiver display shows the
Segmentation Code accessed (0, or 2 - 8). Up to four Codes will be displayed,
scrolling in from the right on a first-in/first-out basis (older Codes disappear).
This allows you to tell at a glance if someone has called, and where their
messages may be located.
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