Frequently Asked Questions
How much of the skin lotion should I use
each time?
As a general guide, when using cotton pads, be sure the entire electrode head is moistened with skin lotion.
We recommend adding more skin lotion if you feel there is not enough.
The recommended times are:
[Daily Care]
• DAILY Mode: 3 minutes per treatment, once a day
[Weekly Care]
• CLEAN Mode: 3 minutes per treatment, once a day, 2 to 3 times a week
• DYHP Mode: 5 minutes per treatment, once a day, 2 to 3 times a week
• EYE CARE Mode: 2 minutes per treatment, once a day, 2 to 3 times a week
– If you are concerned about dryness of the skin around the eyes, we recommend using the device
for 2 minutes per treatment, twice a day, 5 times a week.
• COOL Mode: 3 minutes per treatment, once a day, 2 to 3 times a week
Do not use Daily Care and Weekly Care (except in EYE CARE Mode) on the same day.
The above is also recommended if you only use one mode separately.
What is the recommended frequency and
duration of use?
Move the electrode head more slowly or press harder against the skin surface. It is also possible that the moisture
on the cotton pad is insufficient. Add more skin lotion or gel.
I don’t feel any warmth from the RF when using
the device in CLEAN/DYHP/EYE CARE modes.
Dirt is removed even though it may not be visible on the cotton. The amount of visible dirt on the cotton can vary
among individuals.
The cotton pad is not picking up any dirt.
The RF does not warm the electrode head. Rather, it uses the power of radio frequencies to warm your skin.
The electrode head does not warm up
when I use RF Mode.