ColorVis 705 IQ
Initial commissioning
3.4.1 General information
Measuring location The sensor is prepared for operation in the outlet of the waste water treatment
plant and calibrated in the factory.
The sensor is immediately ready to measure.
User calibration
after initial
On the basis of a reference measurement ("laboratory value"), check whether
the default settings deliver sufficiently accurate measured values or whether you
want to carry out a user calibration (see section 4.3 C
The sensor ColorVis 705 IQ is calibrated in the factory. The sensor is immedi
ately ready to measure.
Never look into the measuring window or put objects into the
measuring window during operation! The emitted UV radiation
can damage the eyes!
In the case of authorized use, inadvertent eye contact with the
light beam is not possible.
How to adjust the settings is described in the following section (sec