236 Step size
The «
step size
» can be set from 0.001 to 5.000 ml (Fig. 192).
Typical values for the KF titration are 0.002 - 0.01 ml.
Fig. 192
In this type of titration, linear step width is used after the continuous titration stage. Pretitration
If the titration agent consumption is roughly known, you can set a pretitration volume on the «
» menu.
In this process, a defined volume is dosed (= pretitrated) following the initial waiting time. After the addition of the
pretitration volume, another defined span of time is observed as the waiting time before the next titration step is
added. The pretitration volume is automatically added to the titration agent consumption. The pretitration volume
can be set from 0.000 and 99.999 ml, the possible range for setting the waiting time following pretitration is
between 0 and 999 seconds (Fig. 193).
Fig. 193 Polarization voltage
Polarisation voltag
e» in mV can be set for KF and Dead-Stop titration (Fig. 194).
Fig. 194
The values can be set between 40 and 220 m. The pre-setting is 100 mV
Low polarisation voltage
High polarisation voltage