non-critical devices to the programmable outlets and critical devices to the general outlets.
During power failure, you may extend the backup time to critical devices by setting shorter
backup time for non-critical devices.
Step 3: Communication connection
Communication port:
USB port RS-232 port Intelligent slot
To allow for unattended UPS shutdown/start-up and status monitoring, connect the
communication cable one end to the USB/RS-232 port and the other to the communication
port of your PC. With the monitoring software installed, you can schedule UPS
shutdown/start-up and monitor UPS status through PC.
The UPS is equipped with intelligent slot perfect for either SNMP or AS400 card. When
installing either SNMP or AS400 card in the UPS, it will provide advanced communication and
monitoring options.
Step 4: Network connection
Network/Fax/Phone surge port
Connect a single modem/phone/fax line into surge-
protected “IN” outlet on the ba
ck panel of
the UPS unit. Connect from “OUT” outlet to the
equipment with another modem/fax/phone line
Step 5: Disable and enable EPO function
This UPS is equipped with EPO function. By default, the UPS is delivered from factory with Pin
1 and pin 2 closed (a metal plate is connected to Pin 1 and Pin2) for UPS normal operation. To
activate EPO function, remove two screws on EPO port and metal plate will be removed.
The EPO function logic can be set up via LCD setting. Please refer to program 16 in UPS
setting for the details.
It’s in closed status for UPS
normal operation as default.
To activate EPO
function, remove
these two screws.