Xtreme Power Conversion Corporation
P91, TX91, TX91L, TXVR Service Manual
Page 33
Uninterruptible Power Supply
9.2.2 V<n>
This command is to set the nominal output voltage. The format is: Computer: V<n><Enter>
UPS: (ACK or (NAK*
*: If UPS accepts this command, responds ACK. Otherwise, responds NAK Output Voltage: <n>. n is
Default status: Nominal output voltage 220V. (It can be set only in bypass mode)
For example:
Computer: V230<Enter> UPS: (ACK
Meanings: set output nominal voltage to 230V.
9.2.3 V±<n>
This command is to adjust the nominal inverter voltage. The format is: Computer: V±<XX><Enter>, XX is two
digits: 00, 01,...,99
UPS: (ACK or (NAK*
*: If UPS accepts this command, responds ACK. inverter output voltage will then rise (drop) about X.XV
Otherwise, responds NAK Voltage
For example:
Computer: V+01<Enter> UPS: (ACK
Meanings: Inverter voltage will increase about 0.1Volt.
9.2.4 BUSP±<n>
This command is to adjust the positive BUS voltage, the format is: Computer: BUSP±<n><Enter> , XX is two digits:
00, 01,...,99
UPS: (ACK or (NAK*
*: If UPS accepts this command, responds ACK +BUS voltage will then rise (drop) about X.XV. Otherwise, re-
sponds NAK
For example:
Computer: BUSP-01<Enter> UPS: (ACK
Meanings: Positive BUS voltage will decrease about 0.1Volt.
9. 2.5 BUSN±<n>
This command is to adjust the negative BUS voltage, the format is: Computer: BUSN±<XX><Enter>
UPS: (ACK or (NAK*
*: If UPS accepts this command, responds ACK +BUS voltage will then rise (drop) about X.XV. Otherwise, re-
sponds NAK
For example:
Computer: BUSN+01<Enter> UPS: (ACK
Meanings: Negative BUS voltage will increase about 0.1 Volt.