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Step 1: Adjusting the Toe Angle
Recommended Initial Settings:
0 degrees toe-in on the front and rear for overall best 4WD driveability on most surfaces.
Adding more than 3 degrees of toe-in or toe-out will result in excessive loss of speed and erratic
handling. Adjust the toe-in on both the front and rear by turning the tie rods with an adjustable wrench.
For more precise toe-in adjustments, use the R.P.M. Toe-in Gauge part # 708049.
This section deals with the basic adjustments you can make to get the most out of your X-Factor Nitro Monster Truck.
Step 2: Adjusting Shock Spring Tension
Increase or decrease spring tension by adding or removing the different thickness nylon shock clips
provided with your X-Factor kit.
Recommended Initial Settings:
We recommend initially using the shock clips already installed on the shocks.
When adjusting the spring tension, make sure to adjust the right and left sides equally.
For precision shock adjustments, use the Trinity Off-Road Shock Dyno part # 840021.
By adjusting the spring tension of the shocks, you can increase steering sensitivity and increase the ride-height of the X-Factor. How you
drive your X-Factor will dictate what settings you should be using. As an example, if you're using your X-Factor off-road and going over
lots of jumps, you may want to increase the spring tension of the front shocks to help prevent the front of the truck from bottoming out.
Continued on Next Page
The toe angle is the angle of both front tires (or rear tires) to each other - when viewed from above. Toe-in (both tires pointing toward
each other) on the front will make your X-Factor track straighter, but the steering will be more sensitive. Toe-out (both tires pointing away
from each other) on the front will desensitize the steering, making the X-Factor a little more driver-friendly.
For the rear tires, if you're running on a smooth surface, we suggest no toe-in. If you are running on a rough surface, we suggest about
1 - 2 degrees of toe-in. This will give the rear end a little more "bite."
Step 3: Adjusting the Slipper Clutch
Tighten the slipper clutch by turning the hex nut clockwise. Loosen the slipper clutch by turning the
hex nut counter-clockwise.
Recommended Initial Settings:
The slipper clutch comes factory set. It should not need adjustment.
If you do adjust the slipper clutch, make adjustments in 1/4 turn increments until you are
satisfied with the result.
Adjusting the slipper clutch allows you to fine tune how the X-Factor reacts when giving it throttle. Driving the X-Factor with the slipper
clutch too tight will usually result in the truck doing wheelies instead of accelerating forward. Driving the X-Factor with the slipper clutch
too loose will result in very poor or no acceleration at all.